Prave je vypadek pripojeni severovny, takze platformy hlasi nedostupnost. Budeme li vedet nejake dalsi informace dame vedet. Za vznikle problemy se omlouvame.
Pokud by jste meli primou ztratu zavrenim ci nezavrenim pozice v dusledku tohoto vypadku tak nezapomente, ze je treba konktaktovat financni oddeleni do 24 hodin od doruceni vypisu s reklamaci a do predmetu napiste "Server outage"
adresa je vypadek v case 18:56 az 21:43 (GMT +1) tedy CR a SVK cas.
Dear clients,
Please be informed that yesterday (17.11.2011), there occurred a connection failure, caused by temporary outage of global hosting provider’s equipment due to technical conditions, over which we had no control. There was no connection from 8:56 pm to 11:43 pm (GMT +3).
If you have suffered losses due to this failure, please send a request containing the description of your problem to with “Server outage” mark. We’ll examine every request.
Best regards,
LiteForex group of companies